July 07, 2004

poem for Jstb

You showed me a world of happiness inside an oyster
With meat, juice and a pearly heaven overhead
Compact, clinging to seaweed in an uncertain tide
We are just like everyone else, but together

You showed me normal
You gave me the key to your house and my happiness
It could all really be as easy as putting the kettle on
Or drinking coffee in mismatched mugs

You showed me a harbour, handsome sailor
Where we imagine boats
where I could lie on the pier naked with you
A breeze on our skin
And my mouth pouring out into the water
All the dark secrets that burdened this heart
For far too long

You showed me the inside of your heart is
Carved with one word: Mine

morning sky

Heaven opened up this morning and said:
Look here at my glory

A patch of perfect light
Inconspicuous, hazy and mysterious
Against the cresting day
Its gold burnished clouds
And the violet West waiting for morning to burn
The residue of the night clean off

This portal lay open for only me to see
I could feel it pulling my soul up rapturously
I felt my heart crack open to let the light in

Blood and dark pain seeped out my raw nipple

I have to be careful not to let it take me
My spirit could fly off
It could leave my body here without will
It could leave this pen without ink
It could leave without telling you
About any of this miracle you missed